Sunday, April 27, 2008

Aidan's first "real" word...

We taught Aidan to say "baby" this week. My mom sent me a picture of my cousin's new baby and Aidan is fascinated by the picture. We told him that it was a baby...over and over and over! Now he can say baby when he sees the picture or any of Talia's dolls! As per Aunt Ashley's request we are now working on "Ashley" is a much harder word so I am not sure how it will turn out! We'll keep on trying...

Giving Daddy a push...

Talia said she wanted to swing but what she really wanted was to push Daddy! I think she underestimated the strength it would require to actually do the job!

The music man...

Aidan had so much fun playing with the xylophone at the playground. Check out that smile!

A sunny spring day...

Fun on the slide...

Aidan loves to go down the slide...even though he falls off half of the time! Hopefully you can see the joy on his face, but when he is done he just moves on to the next thing!

In honor of the draft...

I don't really know if this is in honor of the draft or if Talia just wanted to wear the helmet...either way I think it is pretty cute. She was really concerned about keeping the chin strap securely on her chin so she constantly holds it in place!

What teamwork...

We had a road cleanup activity with our ward this past week and the kids had a ball cleaning up garbage...especially Noah! He insisted on pulling this enormous bag to the side of the road all by himself...

It started to get heavy about halfway across the field...of course he can't accept help from Mom or Dad!

Luckily, it isn't too wimpy to let your sister give you a little push!

Talia got bored REALLY fast and so Noah was on his own again! He made it to the side of the road and was extremely proud of himself. The kids had a great time. Noah actually loves to pick up garbage and Talia loves any activity that involves playing in the dirt. Maybe we should get out more...

An "exciting" springtime activity in Evanston...

Friday, April 25, 2008

Noah wisdom...

Today Noah gave me some insight into the difference between night and day! Day is when the dark goes down and the sun comes up! Night is when the sun goes down and the dark comes up! Then when the dark is up it is time to take a bath, get our jammies on, say our prayers and then go to sleep! It was a long conversation that involved a lot of pointing and hand actions! I laughed quite a bit but I really thought the logic was GREAT! He is such a fun kid...the absolute best! How am I going to keep him on the "dark" bedtime schedule in the summer when it is light until 9:00? Hmmmm...

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Nice and shiny...

To borrow a quote from Noah...Don't they look "nice and shiny" right after their bath. I love how they look fresh out of the tub...especially Talia's curls! CUTE!!

You can't tell that Aidan has outgrown his pajamas can you???? He is growing so fast!