Monday, September 15, 2008

Where does Jesus live?

Here is a taste of the conversations going on this afternoon between Noah and Talia. They had been singing "Jesus wants me for a Sunbeam"...

Talia: (Singing) Jesus wants me for a sunbeam, each day at school, at play, at home, at play...

Talia: Jesus lives at Grandpa's church!

Noah: No! Jesus lives in heaven way up in the clouds.

Talia: NOOOO! Jesus does not live in the sky...He lives at Grandpa's church!!!!

Noah: NOOOOOOO! He doesn't live in Grandpa's church!

Talia: YES HE DO!!! Stop talking to me like that...GO TO YOUR ROOM!!!

I guess technically they are both right! We told Noah that Jesus lives in heaven with Heavenly Father and we also told Talia that the church is the Lord's house. How do you explain that one to a toddler...especially one who KNOWS they are RIGHT!!!

p.s. Can you tell they get sent to their room if they argue with us! It never really stops the back talking but at least they know where to send each other if they feel the need for discipline!