Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Waiting for Santa...

Here they are all jammied up and ready for Santa to make his visit! They all slept on the floor together in the beds that Grandma and Grandpa gave them! They watched The Polar Express before they went to bed and were excited for the fat man to bring their stuff!


AdAmy said...

I love the term "jammied up". I thought my family were the only ones that use that term. Guess it isn't just made up by us.;) Maybe it is an Idaho thing. I just love kids in snuggly jammies! Do your kids sleep well when they have a "slumber party" like that, or do they stay up playing and giggling?

Unknown said...

Okay - having Asher "dangling" on Aiden's lap is priceless! I love you and your little crew!

Lindsey said...

Jenna would be so jealous of Talia's Tinker doll! So fun. She is obsessed with anything Disney princess/Tinkerbell!
Glad you all had a great Christmas!
Jenna has those same jammies as Talia in the pic, I love them.