Saturday, May 2, 2009

Easter egg hunt in Grace...

Wouldn't we all like to spend our Easter just like this? He slept right through it all!
Aidan got a ball and a bunny! Doesn't he look like he hit the jackpot?
Talia got a little bunny which she gave to Asher...because he is little too! Such a sweet girl!
That's my egg lady!!
Noah got some fun airplanes that we played with for the rest of the day.

We decided on the spur of the moment to take the kids to the Easter egg hunt at the fairgrounds. We barely made it but it was a lot of fun. Noah was in a different age group than Talia and Aidan. I stayed with Noah and Grandma and Aunt Ashley took the other two. They had the grounds taped off and eggs and loot scattered all over. Noah wasn't sure what to do but once he got started I had a hard time keeping up with him! The others had to have a little coaching on what to do but I think they had fun! All in all it was a really fun morning. They got lots of stuff and we were done in thirty minutes! One of the benefits of living in a small town! I think we will do it again next year and see if Asher wakes up to participate!


Lindsey said...

Looks like you all had a fun Easter! I am always glad when the week after is over and the candy is finally gone. No more temptations, I am way too weak :)