Saturday, May 2, 2009

Primary pajama party...

Okay, the pictures are in the wrong order but the kids got to go to their first Primary activity. It was a pajama party where they served breakfast. Noah talked about it every week for a month prior to the big day. In Primary they just kept telling them to wake up and brush their teeth and come to the church. So being the "obedient" kids they are...that is EXACTLY what we did. Too bad it didn't start until ten and they were up at seven. It was hard waiting for those few hours. They had to bring quart jars so they could "plant their seeds of faith"! They had so much fun. Their little project never actually "grew"...just smelled really we planted herbs instead! They love watching them grow! I hope they always love church as much as they do right now! I think they would go to Primary every day if they could!