Thursday, June 10, 2010


Aidan and Talia took a gymnastics class at the rec center thanks to Grandma and Grandpa with the puppy. We enrolled them in the last of four sessions because it was the only one that Aidan was old enough for. They had so much fun. I don't think the Olympics are in our future...Special Olympics are a maybe. Lets just say that they have a very limited attention span and a little bit of hearing trouble! All in all, they had the BEST time. Aidan LOVED the trampoline...or jumpoline as he calls it. Talia really liked the balance beam and she actually got better as the class went on. They got to do the uneven bars and the still rings. They worked on cartwheels and somersaults. They both do a pretty great somersault if I do say so myself. It was worth every dime and I am glad they got to do something fun.