Monday, September 22, 2008

A lesson in giving...

So...I thought I would share another Noah story! What can I say...that kid makes me laugh! This month in Primary they have been collecting money for Pennies by the Inch for Primary Children's Hospital. The first Sunday they talked about it, Noah brought home his little envelope. He was so excited because he thought that if you put money in the envelope you got to go to WalMart and buy a Star Wars toy. I spent a good portion of that day telling him that the money was sent to the hospital where it could help lots of kids who were hurt or sick. He was still concerned about how to get his clone trooper toy. I told him that if he would give money to help other people Heavenly Father would bless him (not with a clone trooper...which is where his little mind automatically went...). So...that was really the end of that. Then yesterday when we were walking into church a little girl in his Sunbeam class had a bag full of pennies. I mentioned to Noah that we had forgotten to bring his money to put in the jar. He said,"Oh no...I can't give them MY money. My money is for spending!" I reminded him about the blessings he would get for sharing his money. He just said, "Well, maybe I could give them some of your money...OKAY??" Sure...why not!!! Luckily for me, Noah is always thinking of "others". His next question was, "If we give them your money what will you have for spending? Do you have some dollars?" SIGH!!! You gotta love him!


AdAmy said...

Aahh, you gotta love what goes on in little 4 year old minds. They never fail at entertaining that's for sure! Love that Noah.