Wednesday, March 23, 2011

32 Weeks...

Here is a profile picture of our newest little peanut! We are so happy that this baby is growing well and appears to be totally perfect! We had a growth check ultrasound on Monday and got a really good look at this little face! ADORABLE!! We chose not to find out the gender so we are excited for the surprise that we have coming in the next 6 or 7 weeks! The only bummer was that we found out that the baby is currently in a transverse position (sideways) and it is pretty unlikely that it will be able to turn. Most likely, we will have to schedule a c-section. We were hoping to avoid that but really just want to do what is best for this little one!

This little foot looks so cute....doesn't feel so cute when it is stuck in your ribs!! I actually love every little movement and am so thankful for the blessing of this baby! I can't wait until we get to meet him or her!


Erin said...

So sweet--and I can tell it's a Conrad already! Love and prayers headed your way for the next few weeks!

Alli E. said...

So sweet! Love the little foot! And there are many benefits about c-Sections, if you end up having one. I have had 4!

Tammy said...

So sweet! We are so glad that everything is going along well! Super happy for you all!